Photo Friday (23rd)

I’m continually amazed at the bits and pieces I receive from various family members.  Several months ago one of my cousins (Thank you Diane!) gave me a postcard related to White Bear Lake.  Since the people in the picture were unidentified, I assumed that I would just be passing it on to the White Bear Lake Area Historical Society.  Then, just last month, I met with another cousin (Thank you Sue!) that provided me with a box of family and White Bear related items.  To my delight, in that box was a small newspaper clipping showing a grainy picture with a short story/caption below it; the picture was the same as the one on the postcard.

White Bear Press clipping about the postcard shown below
1913 photo postcard of the White Bear town baseball team outside of the White Bear Mercantile Company located in the Getty building
Most of us remember Ciresi’s Liquor Store as the occupant of this corner of the Getty building.
The picture was taken on Clark Avenue at the corner of Third Street.  My granduncle Howard Bloom is sitting behind the steering wheel, which is on the right side of the truck, the same configuration found in many delivery vehicles today. 

Thanks for visiting, come back soon,

© 2024 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

5 thoughts on “Photo Friday (23rd)”

  1. I have a similar photo with only Howard Bloom and the truck. Howard told me it was owned by the Mercantile that was run by his brother Robert “Rob” Bloom. Howard worked for his brother and drove the truck to make deliveries for the Mercantile. Previous to the truck, deliveries were made by horse and wagon.

    Tom Berg is Howard Bloom’s grandson

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