Photo Friday (18th)

Left to right: My grandmother Ellen (Peltier) Vadnais, Alice (Derosier) Anderson and Vina (Peltier) Bloom
The picture was taken before 1965; Alice died that year at 80 years old.

Ellen and her sister Vina, my grandaunt, are standing with one of their mother Celestine’s sisters, one of their many aunts.  Alice, my great-grandaunt, was the 12th of 13 children born to Jean Baptiste Derosier and Marie Rose Delima Peltier, my 2nd great-grandparents. 

My grandmother had 12 aunts and uncles on the Derosier side of the family and another 9 on the Peltier side of the family.  Only 8 of the 9 on the Peltier side survived to adulthood.  If the spouses of all of these aunts and uncles are included, then Ellen had a total of 39 aunts and uncles.  In contrast, I had 9 surviving aunts and uncles on the Vadnais side of the family, and if their spouses are included, I count a total of 20 aunts and uncles.  On my Mother’s side of the family there were only 5 aunts and uncles, including spouses.

Stella Elisabeth Dupre, early 1900s

Stella was my grandfather Adlore Vadnais’ first cousin, which would make her a first cousin once removed from my father and a first cousin twice removed from me.  She was the eldest child of Mathilda (Vadnais) and Adlore Dupre.  Stella was one of the few guests from White Bear at my grandparent’s wedding in 1910, so I tend to think that she and Adlore were close; after all, they did grow up within a few houses of one another in White Bear.

Left to right: Mildred (LaBore) Cardinal, Delores (Bloom) Kulkey, Vivian (Hansen) Peltier
The picture was taken on April 20, 1991.  Mildred was 82 years old, Delores 78 years old and Vivian 74 years old.  Mildred, the daughter of Ben and Alice (Peltier) LaBore, is my first cousin once removed.  Delores, the daughter of Howard and Vina (Peltier) Bloom, is also my first cousin once removed; she and my Dad (Jack Vadnais) always joked, as they gave each other a kiss, that they were kissing cousins.  Vivian was my grandaunt by marriage to Clement (Clem) Peltier.

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