
A long term goal of mine has been to compile and share the White Bear Lake Vadnais family genealogy, history, stories and pictures I’ve amassed over the last few decades. Initially, I thought I would write a book, but having done that before I’ve been reluctant to travel down that path again. A second option was to publish on the internet. Over the last several months I have scanned and filed several thousand family documents and pictures. I have also pushed myself onto a steep learning curve, one that involves my learning how to create a website so I can write a family history blog. Please bear with me as I plan to publish as I create and refine the website. The focus of the blog will be my paternal grandparents, Adlore Joesph Vadnais and Ellen Lucy Vadnais (Peltier), their ancestors and descendants. My hope is to publish new material each week. I have many, many pages of topics to cover, but I would love input, stories and material on things you’d like covered. I am excited to share what I have learned about our incredibly rich family history.

Thanks for visiting, come back soon,

© 2021 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

Comments about the material I post

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