Our Famous Cousins

On some level I think all of us would like to be famous, however the cousins in this post truly are famous.  We are related to all of these people because of the many common ancestors that emigrated from the Perche area in France.

These cousins from closest to most distant and the shared grandparents are as follows:

6th cousin Justin Trudeau (Canada’s 23rd prime minister) – we share 7th great-grandparents Pierre Loiseau Francoeur and Marie Hus.  These grandparents are Vadnais ancestors.

6th cousin once removed Celine Dion – we share Pierre Trembley and Marie Rousin, Celine’s 7th great-grandparents and my 8th great-grandparents.  These grandparents are Vadnais ancestors.

6th cousin 3 times removed Madonna” Louise Ciccone – we share Jean Cloutier and Marie Martin Lescossois, Madonna’s 7th great-grandparents and my 10th great-grandparents.  These grandparents are Peltier ancestors.

7th cousin once removed Cardinal Bishop Marc Ouellet – we share Robert Pare and Francoise Lehoux, Marc’s 8th great-grandparents and my 9th great-grandparents.  These grandparents are Peltier and Vadnais ancestors.

7th cousin once removed Jean Paul Lemieux (one of the foremost 20th century painters in Canada) – we share Robert Pare and Francoise Lehoux, Marc’s 8th great-grandparents and my 9th great-grandparents.  These grandparents are Peltier and Vadnais ancestors.

8th cousin Hillary Clinton – we share 9th great-grandparents Gaspard Boucher and Nicole Lemaire.  These grandparents are Vadnais ancestors.

8th cousin once removed Jim Carrey – we share Etienne Racine and Marie Marguerite Marin, Jim’s 9th great-grandparents and my 10th great-grandparents.  These grandparents are Vadnais ancestors.

Probably an 8th cousin ? removed (I cannot find a tree for her) Angelina Joli – we share Gaspard Boucher and Nicole Lemaire (my 9th great-grandparents) and also Guillaume Pelletier dit le Gobloteur and Michelle Mabille (my 10th great-grandparents).  These grandparents are Peltier and Vadnais ancestors.

9th cousin Camilla Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall – we share 10th great-grandparents Jean Guyon and Robin Mathurine.  These grandparents are Peltier ancestors.

9th cousin Jack Kerouac (American novelist) – we share 10th great-grandparents Pierre Paradis and Barbe Guyon.  These grandparents are Vadnais ancestors.

Probably a 9th cousin ? removed (I cannot find a tree for him) Ryan Gosling –­ we share Zacharie Cloutier and Xainte Dupont (my 10th great-grandparents).  These grandparents are Peltier ancestors.

So are you thinking that a visit to Buckingham Palace or Hollywood sounds good?  I wouldn’t get too excited because I doubt that any of these cousins would welcome a knock on their door from one of us.  However, it is fun knowing who these relatives are and who knows, maybe someday one of us will be able to namedrop and get ourselves a ticket to a premier, a better seat at a concert or maybe even a tour of a royal country estate.  We can always dream.

Thanks for visiting, come back soon,

© 2021 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

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