White Bear Lake Peltier Relation

On occasion my Dad would mention that our neighbor, Mark Peltier, was a shirt-tail cousin.  I knew that he and Mark had grown up together and frequently Dad would speak of their adventures when they were young.  I loved the stories, but I often wondered if we really were related and if we were, how?  In the end, I’m not sure if they even knew that they were half 2nd cousins once removed.  

As it turns out, we are related through Paul Peltier, my 3rd great-grandfather; I wrote about him last week.  Paul Peltier was Mark’s great-grandfather.  Paul’s first wife Rosalie Deguire dite Derosiers was my 3rd great-grandmother, and his 2nd wife Angele Parenteau was Mark’s great-grandmother.  Because we’re only related through Paul Peltier, that makes any relationship a half relationship. 

Those of us who grew up in White Bear Lake knew some of Mark’s other siblings and, I for one, went to school with a number of their children.  Here are some pictures I have of them.

Jeanne (Tessier) & Mark Peltier
Bernie Peltier with his sister Betty (Peltier) Martin
Marguerite (Peltier) Bibeau as a young girl

I remember that each year around Easter, Marguerite would make sugar eggs and decorate them beautifully!

Betty (Peltier) Martin
The Peltier children with their spouses, left to right: Betty & husband Bill Martin, Marguerite & husband Dick Bibeau, Telesphor & wife Olga, Raymond & wife Saranne, Bernard & wife Mary Ellen, Mark & wife Jeanne, Gerald & wife Fae, Dorothy & husband Paul Farrell

I already mentioned my Dad and Mark’s relationship, and to me, Mark and his siblings are my half 2nd cousins twice removed and their children are my half 3rd cousins once removed.

Thanks for visiting, come back soon,

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