Pierre Pichet dit Lamusette

The infancy of Quebec witnessed many men emigrating from France in hope of a better life for themselves and hopefully, for their family.  Pierre Pichet dit Lamusette, my 8th great-grandfather, on both the Vadnais and the Peltier sides of the family, was one of those men.  However, despite all of his good intentions, his life would include a few twists.

Pierre was born to Pierre and Anne (Pineault) Pichet on August 18, 1632 and baptized at Saint-Georges de Faye-la-Veneuse, Poitiers, France.1  Interestingly Pierre was born the same year that the Treaty of Saint-Germain was signed returning Quebec to French control after the English had seized it in 1629.2

Map of France showing Faye-la-Veneuse3
Saint-Georges de Fay

Pierre married Marie Lefebvre in France sometime before 1662.4  The details of their marriage are unknown.  

Around 1662, Pierre, a carpenter by trade, left France on a sailing ship and made the long journey to Quebec.  For whatever reason, Marie remained behind.  Sometime after his arrival, Pierre was delivered the heartbreaking news that his wife had passed away.  In that moment whatever plans he had changed.

Pierre stayed in Quebec and on November 25, 1665 he married Catherine Durand, a “Filles du Roi,” at Notre Dame de Quebec.5  Catherine was about 16 years old and Pierre around 33 years old.  He no longer was a widower and together he and Catherine would start a family.

1665 Notre Dame de Quebec marriage record for Pierre Picher and Catherine Durand

By the end of 1670 Catherine had given birth to their first 3 children: Jean Baptiste, Adrien (my 7th great-grandfather on the Vadnais side) and Marie Madeleine.

Pierre Pichet dit Lamusette and Catherine Durand family PRDH #2010 showing their first 3 children6

In 1671 news reached Pierre that his first wife had not died; whatever illness she had, she had rallied and survived.  Pierre became an involuntary bigamist.  As a man of honor he knew he was bound to his first marriage.  He left Catherine and his 3 young children and returned to France where he found Marie, alive and well. 

Having created a life in Quebec, he decided to return there and bring Marie, his first wife, along with him.  The couple set sail in June 1671 for Quebec on the Saint-Jean-Baptiste with Captain Poullet,7 but Marie would never set foot on dry land again; she died during the voyage.  Once again Pierre would grieve the loss of his wife, but in the front of his mind he knew he was needed by his other family.  On August 15, 1671 the ship landed8 and Pierre once again focused his attention on his family in Quebec. 

With his marriage to Catherine no longer recognized by the Church, Pierre had to seek rehabilitation in order to legitimize their union.  Only then could their children be baptized and raised as Catholics.  The Church understandingly granted the request and Pierre and Catherine were legally remarried on September 9, 1673 at Notre Dame de Quebec.9

1673 Notre Dame de Quebec marriage record for Pierre Picher and Catherine Durand

Two days later, on September 11, 1673, the Sovereign Council granted civil rehabilitation for Pierre’s children.  In doing so, they regained their civil rights and became capable of inheriting.

Having made things right, Pierre and Catherine picked up where they left off.  Over the next 17 years Catherine gave birth to 5 more children: Pierre (my 7th great-grandfather on the Peltier side), Marie Catherine, Francois, Ignace (my 7th great-grandfather on the Peltier side) and Louis.10

Pierre Pichet dit Lamusette and Catherine Durand family PRDH #2010 showing all 8 children

Pierre passed away on October 30, 1713 and was buried the same day from Saint-Sulpice L’Assomption.11  He was 81 years old.

Pierre Pichet 1713 burial record – Saint-Sulpice L’Assomption

Catherine lived another 19 years.  She was buried on January 18, 1732 from Saint-Sulpice L’Assomption.12  Although her age is given as 90 years old, because she was born about 1649, she would have only been around 83 years old.

Catherine Durant [Durand] 1732 burial record – Saint-Sulpice L’Assomption

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© 2023 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

Footnotes for Pierre Pichet dit Lamusette post

12 thoughts on “Pierre Pichet dit Lamusette”

  1. Hello,

    Pierre Piché or Picher is also one of my ancestor and I was born as a Piché myself in Canada. But, life is strange sometimes, I came to live in France when I was 6 and then settled down at 26 not far from Faye-La-Vineuse (not Faye-la-Veneuse) without knowing my ancestor departed from there to Quebec.

    I learned the complete story when I was around 40. I had the chance to visit Faye-La-Vineuse a few years ago (It’s only 80km from home) and it’s a lovely small village that keeps a middle age atmosphere. Our ancestor has a nice board in front of the church telling he was baptized there and that he was a pioneer of the Nouvelle France.

    Thanks for your complete story, Cindy !

    1. Hi, I have a big book of my ancestry and according to it Pierre and Catherine are my 9th or 10th great grandparents.

      1. HI Julia,
        We more than likely have other great-grandparents in common. I’ve yet to look at another French-Canadian person’s genealogy and not find common direct ancestors. If Pierre and Catherine are your 9th great-grandparents, then we are 7th cousins once removed and if your 10th, then 7th cousins twice removed.

  2. Madeleine Cousineau

    You’ve written one of the best accounts that I’ve read about Pierre and Catherine, who were my ancestors through both of my grandmothers. After Pierre Pichet settled in Canada, he acquired the nickname “dit Dupré Lamusette.” Over the years the Pichet-Dupré combination underwent several transformations before the “dit” custom was discontinued in 1900. For some unknown reason, when the sons of my great-great-grandfather Edouard Pichet dit Dupré (1775-1854) immigrated to the United States, they not only dropped the Pichet but added a Z to the end of Dupré. My grandmothers were the daughters of Gaspard Duprez (1826-1908) and his brother Edmond (1852-1931)

      1. Madeleine Cousineau

        Actually, I find it somewhat pretentious. My grandfather Edmond Duprez, who immigrated to Lowell, Massachusetts in the nineteenth century was an entrepreneur. I suspect that he learned that Duprez was a surname known in France, and decided to give his name a bit of continental pizzazz that might be good for business. I don’t have any proof of this because anyone who might be able to verify it is no longer alive. Anyway, I prefer the spelling used by all the Pichet dit Dupré ancestors in Canada.

  3. Linda Ballantyne

    Hello Cynthia, I am a descendant from Pierre & Catherine, through their son Adrien (so we’re cousins). I live in Toronto and have been doing genealogy for years. I am now planning on a trip to Quebec City next September and want to combine my genealogy history with our tour/trip. It’s so interesting to find out these details; but I want to explore closer their time in Quebec City and then moving on to Cap Sante and Neuville areas. Any suggestions to find further details or other Piche relatives that might still be in these areas? Cheers Linda

    1. Hello cousin,
      I try my best to include all the details that I can find when I write a post. I wish you the best on your travels, but I don’t think that I can provide you with anymore information.

  4. Linda Ballantyne

    Hello Cynthia, I believe we are cousins, through Adrien Piche, son of Pierre & Catherine. I’ve been doing years of genealogy and now just drilling down within French Canadian roots. I live in Toronto and planning a genealogy/research trip to Quebec City and Neuville to find churches and cemeteries in search of “family” in 2025. Does anyone have any suggestions to further this research that is local? Linda Ballantyne

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