Henry Woodrow Vadnais

My uncle, Henry Woodrow Vadnais, was born to Adlore and Ellen on October 4, 1914, just over nine months after his older brother Lawrence had passed away. In all likelihood Ellen was pregnant with Henry previous to Lawrence’s death.

Henry’s birth certificate shows that his father Adlore was now working as a freight man [for the Northern Pacific Railroad], Dr. J. H. McClanahan assisted Ellen with the delivery and Henry was born at 3:30 A.M..  There seems to be a pattern forming in regards to the time of day that Adlore and Ellen’s children were born.

Henry Woodrow Vadnais – Minnesota Record of Birth1
Circa 1915 – shown left to right: Charles Adlore Vadnais, Henry Woodrow Vadnais and George Albert Vadnais

What a great picture!  They are all so adorable and I love the outfits.

Circa 1917 –  back row left to right: Adlore, Ellen and Florence Eugenia (born June 8, 1917), front row left to right: George, Henry and Charles

Another of my favorite pictures!  Again, the boys’ outfits are great.  Adlore and Ellen would have been in their late twenties when this picture was taken.  It is hard to wrap my brain around the idea of my grandparents in their twenties.

In 1919 another tragedy struck the family when Henry became sick and passed away. His demise was chronicled by the White Bear Press.

White Bear Press, June 1919, article and obituary for Henry Vadnais2

Henry passed away on June 19, 1919. Adlore and Ellen had now lost 2 of their 4 sons. When Henry died, Ellen was 7 months pregnant with their next son, Richard Andrew.

Both Henry and his uncle, Amis Henry, passed away at a young age from tubercular meningitis. I was told a story by a family member a number of years ago that the family felt that Henry had contracted tuberculosis from Blanche (Black) Vadnais. Blanche had married Adlore’s oldest brother, Joseph Albert, in 1917 in Montana. Sometime between 1917 and when Henry died, Joseph (Joe) and Blanche visited White Bear and stayed with Adlore and Ellen in their small home. It was told that the family was frightened because Blanche coughed all the time. I recently found that Blanche died on February 23, 1920, about 8 months after Henry’s passing, from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis at Hopewell Hospital, Minneapolis City Hospital’s quarantine hospital and tuberculosis sanatorium.3   She was only 23 years old. It is very possible that she passed the tuberculosis bacterium to Henry and it resulted in his death. Even though we know the cause of her death, there really is no way to confirm if the story is actually true.

Hopewell Hospital

Henry is listed in the Index to Death Records for Ramsey County.4  Both his uncle Henry Amos [Amis Henry] and his brother Lawrence T. [Thomas] are listed on the same page in the index.  Henry’s actual death record is the second picture shown below.  One of the pieces of information given in it is that Henry died when he was 4 years, 8 months and 15 days old.

Henry Woodrow Vadnais in Minnesota Index to Death Records for Ramsey County (page has been cropped to include column headers)
Henry Woodrow Vadnais Minnesota Death Record5
(The original record was recorded on one line across 2 facing pages.  I cropped and placed the original side by side pages under one another.)

Henry was buried on Sunday afternoon June 22, 1919 at St. Mary of the Lake Cemetery.6

Henry Vadnais grave marker, St. Mary of the Lake Cemetery7

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© 2021 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

Footnotes for Henry Woodrow Vadnais post

2 thoughts on “Henry Woodrow Vadnais”

  1. Dear Cindy,
    I’m just loving reading your blog & seeing pictures I’ve never seen before. It’s so fun to get an understanding of what their lives were like as children. Thanks so much❤️

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