First Cousins

I feel fortunate to have as many (paternal) first cousins as I do, and even more fortunate in that I grew up around all of them.  As I pondered my first cousins and my youth (maybe best left unspoken), I couldn’t help but wonder about my Dad, Jack Vadnais, and his first cousins who would be my first cousins once removed. Over the years I had met many relatives and often I didn’t know how they were related to either me or my father.  As it turns out, a large portion of these relatives I met were my Dad’s first cousins and he too had grown up around most of them.  They were not as distant as I had imagined.  

So who are these first cousins?  My Dad, on his father Adlore’s side of the family, had 14 first cousins and on his mother Ellen’s side of the family he had 22 first cousins.  

Four of Adlore’s six siblings had children: Joseph “Joe”, William, Edmund and Alma. 

Six of Ellen’s twelve siblings had children: Alice, Vina, Cleveland, Norma, Royal “Roy” and Clement “Clem”.

In looking through the above lists of my Dad’s first cousins there are many I remember quite well, and then there are others that I don’t remember at all.  In addition, my father never knew one of his first cousins, Harold Edmund Vadnais.

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© 2023 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

3 thoughts on “First Cousins”

  1. Charlene Brenner

    Love this Cindy, I remember my Mom talking about cousin’s.
    We got just a few more cousin’s!

  2. Charlene Brenner

    Love this Cindy, I remember my Mom talking about cousin’s.
    We got just a few more cousin’s!

  3. Peggy Parenteau

    Does anyone have contact info for the 4 remaining cousins?

    I’m especially interested in Mary Jane Meis, I remember her.

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