Photo Friday (14th)

Here are a few pictures showing Adlore’s and Ellen’s surviving children at the family picnic in June 1995.

Standing in back left to right: Mona (74 years old) and Anna Mae (65 years old)
Seated left to right: Jack (70 years old), Leona (72 years old), Dick (75 years old), Florence (78 years old), Gordy (66 years old) and Marguerite (68 years old)
Vadnais siblings and spouses
Back row left to right: Mona Green, Bev Vadnais, Tom Whitrock, Anna Mae Campbell, Bob Campbell, Martha Vadnais, Berta Vadnais and Bob Parker
Front row left to right: Guy Green, Jack Vadnais, Leona Whitrock, Dick Vadnais, Florence O’Neil Smith, Gordy Vadnais, Marguerite Parker and Fran Vadnais

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© 2023 Copyright by Cynthia Vadnais, All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Photo Friday (14th)”

  1. What is neat about this photo is many of us are in this age group now. How do we look in comparison to parents, aunts and uncles? Hope we are taking care of our selves and aging well! See you at picnic👍

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